Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pandan Kaya


(Tto make normal brown kaya, replace sugar with palm sugar and omit the pandan leave paste, but include 2 strips of pandan leaf into the mixture while it is cooking. Remove these later.)

500g SUGAR

Actually, I did not really follow a set recipe, I modified someone else's, these are just the basic ingredients. I forgot to take pictures of the pandan leaves cut up into inch pieces and put into a processor. Blend it well with the coconut milk until it becomes almost paste.

In another bowl (preferable stainless steel) break the eggs and mix it well with the sugar. Then strain the pandan paste mixture over the eggs with the cheesecloth or a strainer. Mix that up well until the sugar is dissolved. It should look like this:

Meanwhile, fill a pot with water to act as a double boiler for the steel bowl. When it boils, turn down the heat to low and place the metal bowl over the pot. Stir occassionally for about 30 minutes or until it thickens. One of the recipes called for straining again before putting to the boiler, I did not but you see I had a back up plan. It turned out lumpy like this because I did not double strain.

After the mixture cooks, it turns into custard-like consistency and looks like that. To make it smooth like store-restaurant type kaya, I put it in my blender and pressed "Whip" or aka. highest speed available. The texture became like this:

Then you put it on bread (toasted or untoasted) and butter and YUM!

PANDAN KAYA! Happy tummy~

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