Serves 2
3 Yellow Onions
4 calf livers
3 cups milk (whole milk works best, but you aren't going to drink it)
3 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp Worchestershire sauce
Kosher salt
Ground black pepper
Vegetable oil
Secret Ingredient - Red wine (I used Merlot)
Flour dressing for livers (can also be used to fry fish and chicken!)
2 cups All purpose flour
2 tbsp garlic powder
2 tbsp onion powder
2 tsp paprika
1 tbsp Kosher salt
1 tbsp black pepper
1 tsbp oregano
1 tbsp basil
1. Before you start cooking, thaw the livers and then place in a large bowl and cover with milk. Soak for at least an hour or two to remove the bitterness from the liver. You do not have to wash it afterwards either!
2. Slice up the onions and separate into rings, toss with sugar and a pinch of salt. Heat pan to medium high and add 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Sautee until slightly transparent. At this point, you can add the red wine and cook for another 10 minutes or until onions are browned all over and softened. Remove from heat and transfer into a bowl.
3. Drain milk from liver and coat lightly with flour dressing. In the same onion pan, dribble some vegetable oil (about 2 tbsp) or butter and melt until hot. Reduce heat to medium and lay livers in like this.
4. This is what it looks like browned. Cook until the other side is browned as well. What you want to achieve is a pinkness in the middle when cut. You do NOT want to overcook livers ^_^
5. This is what you should strive for. Slightly more underdone is okay too, as long as it isn't dripping blood ha ha!
Customer enjoying my dish heheheheh!!! The darn flash on the camera made him shut his eyes, poor dear.
1 comment:
hey..thanks for dropping by at my blog. one look at your blog and it is making my gastric juices churn!! the food looks yummylicious!
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